Offer access to earned but unpaid wages or EWA benefits
The problems Earn solves
Today, the traditional pay cycle does not always align with bill pay, putting millions of consumers at risk of incurring overdraft fees or interest for missing a bill in between pay periods.
The market has seen a bevy of new entrants offering Earned Wage Access (EWA) as an employer benefit and direct-to-consumer income smoothing advances. However, none have tailored their offering for financial institutions. Further, many look to challenge traditional financial institutions for account primacy.
Search for employer or payroll provider
Connect and log in to payroll portal
Securely verify credentials
Our solution
With Atomic’s UserLink solutions, financial institutions and fintech firms can enable customers to unlock paycheck liquidity by tapping earned but unpaid wages ahead of their employers’ pay cycles, similar to EWA products.
With our EmployerLink solutions, EWA providers can quickly augment their coverage of payroll and HR systems and employers can extend EWA benefits programs to all workers.
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