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Jul 28, 2022 / 1 min read

Atomic Search 3.0 unlocks +14% in conversion rate gains

We’re locked on to search conversion rate, and we’re pleased to announce a breakthrough.

Atomic is constantly iterating on various steps in the user journey to connect their work account. This journey begins with the crucial step of a user finding a system that they recognize. Here is a brief recap of our own journey, designing a better search.

Rewind to March, 2021: Reacting to search data

March, 2021 A/B Experiment

In early 2021, Atomic tested a hypothesis that a large segment of users desired to login to their payroll provider directly, rather than search for their employer. Although this contradicted pre-product survey data, user search query volume for payroll systems was unexpectedly high. Our approach was to add a carousel of payroll providers to the top of the page and watch the results.

Although the 12% increase to our total funnel was exciting, we found something even more interesting. Users that logged in to their payroll system instead of their employer were 2x more likely to know their credentials.

This search experience quickly became the industry standard, as other players in our market patterned their search after this design.

Search reset


Bringing context back

Context + Familiarity

  •  +6% increase to top of funnel search conversion.
  •  +10% increase in authentication attempt rate.
  •  +14% increase through the full funnel of completing a transaction.

What’s next?