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Sep 21, 2023 / 2 min read

Atomic Unveils Transact 3.0: Superior SDK for Elevated Conversion

Atomic is excited to unveil Transact 3.0, our advanced SDK engineered to optimize data connection and increase conversion rates. The power behind this improvement comes from our patent-pending TrueAuth technology.

One of our first clients to implement the new version of the SDK, EarnIn, has already witnessed the SDK’s advantages. “The new Transact 3.0 SDK is incredibly engineer-friendly. The design is simple and intuitive, documentation was easy-to-follow — it is seriously an engineer’s dream.” noted Sparsh Agarwal, Product Leader for EarnIn.

Transact 3.0

TrueAuth Technology

With this next iteration of the SDK, Atomic’s Uplink technology has become even more powerful, so powerful it now has a new name, TrueAuth. TrueAuth allows for streamlined authentication directly on the end user’s device for even more platforms. TrueAuth revolutionizes traditional payroll api authentication by creating a direct data connection between the user’s device and the payroll api system. This approach bypasses the need to share credentials with third-party applications, resulting in faster, smoother, and more secure authentication, with a broader range of options available. Look for more information on TrueAuth coming soon. 

Improved Conversion

Transact 3.0 has led to impressive increases in conversion rates across various payroll providers. By adding six more payroll systems to TrueAuth, 80% of traffic can now connect directly to their payroll system without sharing credentials. These connections are also experiencing a 2x increase in conversion over traditional authentication methods.

increased conversion rates

Faster Performance

The Transact 3.0 SDK features a revamped architecture, reducing the amount of data transfer needed for low-bandwidth connections. This results in a faster connection environment and improved user-experience while also allowing customers to complete their deposit updates in areas with low-bandwidth. All of this while maintaining the super simple, yet powerful SDK interface to ensure an excellent developer experience.

Continuous Innovations

This release set’s Atomic’s clients up for always having the most innovative tools to improve the user experience and increase conversion. Once the new version of the SDK is implemented, improvements to conversion across new platforms will be available out of the box. Please note that these updates will not be compatible with older SDK versions.

Transitioning to Transact 3.0 is as smooth as ever, with no external changes to the API surface. In most cases, it is achievable within a single sprint . Existing Atomic clients are welcome to reach out to their Client Success Manager for any questions or assistance in upgrading to Transact 3.0. To learn more about working with Atomic, please request a demo today.